Friday, October 10, 2008

Bailout, Sellout, and The American Way...

So... the American Dream -- what the "huddled masses" have strived towards for generations has now come down to this:

1. Create a business that makes no sense
2. Have hundreds of millions of dollars pumped into it from innocent people who are being lied to
3. Run the business into the ground
4. Get the government to bail it out (with more money from the same people who's money was lost)
5. Keep taking home huge salaries and bonuses for PERFORMANCE.

So... how does one go about doing this?

Join the Mafia, take over a small city:
This approach, while very practical and easy to do, has not worked well for maybe 30-50 years or so.

Or.... do it the "AIG WAY" as evidenced in this article:

I personally never supported the bailout of the banks -- I think that money should have been given to the people who's homes were in jeopardy of being foreclosed. That would have actually bolstered our economy -- let people stay in their homes, keep their jobs, eased tensions about their investments (potentially allowing them to keep money in the markets).

But then again, such a move would be less advantageous to the over-privileged, lobbyists, and the crooks ... I mean "execs" that power these big businesses.

I think the American Politician has become a sellout to the interest of whichever person or group can provide them with bribes.. err.. oh right... I mean incentives -- we are Americans, we don't take bribes...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lost and found...

So... somehow my wife decided to login to my gmail account and tie it to her blog... and given my memory (or lack of it), I couldn't figure out what my blog was... anyway, to make a long story short, I finally "found" my blog again :-)